Sunday 8 October 2017

Fishing on the Goose Lake

Bit of a lumbering sort of run today, on a day that turned out to be surprisingly warm but not terribly interesting apart from the large numbers of honeybees with full saddlebags on the ivy.

There's a few queen buff tail bumbles low down looking for hibernation nests too. Single white butterfly. No echelons of noisy pink footed geese like the one I saw the other day.

The geese around in town today were of the canada variety, big honky beasts that make running rather tricky as they decorate every inch of footpath with nasty green and brown droppings, as if someone has sat on an avocado.

I hate those as well.

Lots of fishermen on the blue lake today, casting their lines out between the flotillas of waterfowl. THe fishermen here are angry as there are proposals to use the lake for teaching sailing and canoeing. Go for it, say I. So do the fish I suspect.

Overhead a green banana flew - the motor-paraglider who some people accuse of being some sort of aerial voyeur.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 08.10.17


  1. The green droppings are because geese eat lots of grass, which their guts are not designed to digest. Maybe one day evolution will catch up with the eating habits of the goose and runners will be able to progress with dignity.
